Sunday, June 26, 2016

Week 1: Math + Art

This week's topic is about how math impact art and science. Math, art, and science are highly sophisticated subjects that make up our world. Math is able to help artists and scientists in a variety of different ways. Perhaps, all the subjects can be used together at one time.

Audiograph - Interactive Public Art Installation - Nathan Selikoff
The link above is a video by Nathan Selikoff that showcases an example of math, art, and science (technology) utilized at the same art. Interactive artists are speaking into a microphone that then produces an audio-graph. Sound-waves (physics) are used to produce the audio-graph through mathematic code which result in an interactive image (art). I was amazed by this phenomenal demonstration of how these three subject work together. If these three subjects start to regularly come together again, then could this be the start of a new culture?

Professor Vesna discusses that math is used with art through geometry, shapes, and formulas to measure the volume and area of artist's work. Artists use mathematical aspects to ensure their artwork to be as authentic and real as possible. She elaborates that Leonardo Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man is where math meet science. Vitruvia Man uses mathematic angles to predict human proportions.
Vitruvia Man

The picture below is the form of art, origami. Immediately, you will see the geometric aspects of the artwork relating art to math. This whole art piece is based off of geometric shapes. If I wanted to be critical, I can say that science is incorporated through the physics of he bird sticking to the diamond-shaped silicon bronze.

The art piece below is made of croquet. I think it is utterly amazing how art can be created through simple materials using mathematics. Daina Taimina, a mathematician created this art piece through mathematically precise, symmetric hyperbolic planes. It is unbelievable how art and math come together to create an eccentric art piece.

I am still in awe of how mathematics, art, and science are able to work together and have endless possibilities. Before this week, it did not occur to me that these subjects to create sort of miracle. I am unsure of what this is called when subjects overlap to create many things. Artists, mathematicians, and scientists find so many ways to express their profession while incorporating other subjects at their disposal is truly amazing.


"Daina Taimina." Crochet Coral Reef. Institue For Firguring, n.d. Web. 27 June 2016. <>.

Lang, Robert J., and Kevin Box. Artwork: Inside Out. Digital image. Lang Origami. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 June 2016. <>.

Selikoff, Nathan. "Audiograph - Interactive Public Art Installation" Nathan Selikoff. 3 Nov. 2015. Web. 26 June 2012. <>

Vesna, Victoria. “” Cole UC online. Youtube, 26 March 2012. Web. 26 June 2012. <>

Vitruvia Man. Digital image. Wikipedia. Wikimedia, n.d. Web. 26 June 2016. <>.

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